Gibbos on tour - NZ

The Ansdell Gibsons are finally visiting the New Zealand Gibsons - this April!

Friday, April 7


Originally uploaded by annegibbo.
This is me! on the outdoor viewing platform of the most fantastic train journey ever, until you come to a tunnel, which you can't see coming! Twelve hours of the most stress free travelling, and the scenery is brilliant.
The indoor viewing lounge was great, and the food was good too, espcially at the lunch stop in the national park.

ttfn Anne & co

Wednesday, April 5

Hells Gate/Tikitere


Here we are at the most active geothermal field in Rotorua.

As you can see I am really impressed - not! Mum and Dad are doing a much better job of looking like they are really enjoying it!! It was really good it was just the smell when you were in the steam that was extremely unpleasant!

For more info about where we went click here

After looking around the bubbling mud we did a Moari carving (well sort of!) of a Kiwi with a lovely guy called Benjamin. I don't think we were very good at it but you can all come for a veiwing of the carving when we get home!

Well that's it for now. Packing up in Auckland on Thursday ready to get the 7:25am Overlander train down to Wellington on Friday.

See you in Wellington

The Gibbos

Tuesday, April 4


Hi everyone,

Sorry we can't put any pics on at the moment - we will try to get some on when we go to the internet cafe in Takapuna hopefully on Thursday.

We are in Rotorua tonight which was about a 4 hour drive from Auckland. We spent the afternoon in a lakeside spa in the natural hot pools which was fab apart from the smell of rotten eggs!!!

Hopefully we will go and see some hot geysers tomorrow - that's the natural geothermic variety NOT fit blokes (unfortunately) !!

Hope everyone is ok - leave us some messages!!!

Bye for now


Monday, April 3

Auckland Reles

originally uploaded by thomas.g.
On Monday night I think I saw more Gibsons in one room than ever before (although apparently they might change that on the South Island)! Tom (NZ) and Joy hosted the evening in the very swanky Takapuna apartment where they are staying while moving house. We had a great time, and it seems more and more like Gibsons are pretty much the same the world over!


originally uploaded by thomas.g.
Believe it or not that is me up the highest tower in the Southern Hemisphere! Click here for more about it. Not nearly as scary as I thought, and cracking views (sorry I'm blocking this one!). We passed on the jumping off it part, although we have some good pics of that too!

Sunday, April 2

Meeting the family...

On Sunday we went with Tom Gibson (Dad's Cousin) to meet his son James and his family, Jodie, Lilly and Michael (Sorry if my spelling is all wrong!)

It was great to see a real NZ home and enjoy the hospitality!

I hope Michael doesn't get in too much trouble for not behaving for the photo!